Which brings me to thinking about... New Years Resolutions.... I have the same ones every year. They are as follows:
1. To exercise
2. To get organized
3. Eat Healthy
The Fleming Library is now a part of the Fleming Centre which includes an arena, walking track and meeting rooms. To get more exercise I decided to find out what the Town of Lincoln has to offer in the way of programs. Here is the list!
Hatha Yoga
Involves the
body, mind, and spirit. Relax your mind and allow yourself to obtain a fitter
body and positive thoughts on life. Bring a yoga mat.
$95 +
A combination
of Martial Arts, dance and healing practices. It is a mind/body/spirit workout
that is a fun way to in-crease your fitness level by moving your body in the
way it was designed to move . Thursdays, January 4 - March 26, 2015 (12 weeks)
5:30 - 6:30 pm
$90 + HST/participant
Basics is an introduction to social ballroom and Latin dances.
No dance
experience or partner required.
Have fun and
learn at your own pace.
January 22 - March 24, 2015 (8 weeks)
$50 +
HST/participant per class
Move to be
These safe
exercise programs assist the seniors of the community in becoming more fit. The
classes will be instructed by a Registered Kinesiologist from Beamsville
Move To Be
FIT 1: Suited for
individuals with osteoporosis with moderate to high risk fracture, severe
osteoarthritis, limited mobility (use of walking aid) The class will focus on
primarily seated exercises, various supported balance and weight bearing training,
breathing, posture and core retraining.
Move To Be
FIT 2: Suited for
people with osteopenia, osteoporosis with mild risk fracture, good mobility,
mild to moderate osteoarthritis. The class will focus primarily on weight
bearing, strength, posture, core training and use of the walking track.
$45 +
Fleming Centre
For my New Year's Resolution, I decided to take the Ballroom Dancing classes. To compliment the course, I will be taking out DVDs and books from the Library on Ballroom Dancing. Here are some of the titles that the library has to offer. So hopefully 2015 will be the year that I can dance the nights away!
Ballroom Dancing Made Easy

Steppin' out. Ballroom dancing
I also plan on using the walking track at the Fleming Centre. At the library we have books and DVDs on how to get the most out of walking. Here are some titles that you may find interesting.
Quick Start Walking
Walking for Fitness by Nina Barough
The library also has pedometers that can be borrowed to keep track of your steps. So I plan on using one to walk my way to a healthy more energized me!
The Town of Lincoln is also offering Walking 101. Join Jennifer and Doug from Grimsby Runners as they guide you through a one hour workshop on walking technique, proper footwear, warm up and cool down exercises, hydration and nutrition. Then take your new skills to the track!
Tuesday, January 13th at 8 pm or Friday, January 16th at 11 am. FREE
Well I am on track with one resolution so far..... it is just the other two, being organized and eating healthy. I know where to get my information.... the library!
Have a Happy New Year! If you are making resolutions don't forget to check out the library to help you keep them with our fabulous collections of books, DVDs, databases and more!
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